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Rewire Your Brain For Stress

Our brains are wired with many factors which formulate our stress response and coping strategies. These include our past traumas, childhood, and belief systems. However, it has been scientifically proven the brain can be rewired by incorporating 8 simple behaviors into your life. These behaviors are taught at the most popular class at Yale University called “The Science Of Well Being”, with professor Laurie Santos. (Take It Free Here) Practicing these eight actions in your routine will drastically change your underlying belief systems. Your mind and body will be prepared to cope with stress when it comes along.

Eight Behaviors To Rewire Your Brain

1. Meditation

Spending just ten minutes per day in meditation can transform your life, regardless of the form of meditation you practice. Meditation rewires the brain and body to become more peaceful and calm. It physically helps the stress producing hormone, cortisol, to regulate itself.

2. Gratitude

Be thankful for what you have and express that thankfulness in some way. You can do this in a journal, telling others and praying. Gratitude rewires the brain to be content with what you have.

3. Savoring

Savoring is taking the time to appreciate past experiences, and anticipate future experiences. When you relive an experience, your brain does not know the difference between the emotions you felt at the time and the memory or anticipation of the experience.

4. Kindness

Do something kind for someone else. This does not need to be a grand gesture, just simply being kind to others will rewire your brain to focus on others. This process helps you become less concerned about the stress in your own life.

5. Connection

We human beings are not created to be alone. We need deep connection with others. Your network of friends, family and coworkers does not need to be large. Two people with whom you connect deeply and vulnerably are all that’s required for your brain not to ruminate continually on certain circumstances in your life.

6. Exercise

Exercise is key because of the various anti-stress chemicals it produces in the mind and body. These chemicals, such as oxytocin, prepare the mind and body for stress.

7. Sleep

It is vital that you get good sleep. Your brain and body needs to rest and dream. This is when your mind processes through our stressors and makes connections to help us come up with creative problem-solving techniques.

8. Goals

Achievement is such a powerful emotion. It is so powerful that we colloquially refer to it as a “sense” of achievement. Achievement sends as much information to our brains as the five senses. It is an overwhelming sensation. To experience achievement on a regular basis it helps to set goals. We don’t necessarily have to complete the goal to experience a sense of achievement. Many times just working toward a goal in baby steps brings the same sensation.

Stress is a normal part of life, but it’s important to manage it in a healthy way. When stress happens our body reacts instinctively. Our coping strategies are often habitual and chosen without forethought. If we proactively take the time to wire our brains toward well being our automatic responses to stress will be healthy responses.

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